Birthday Pary | Felted Dolls

Felted Doll Party

In March we were able to host a felted doll birthday party. Each girl was able to stuff and then decorate their doll. They learned how to needle felt wool roving to create their own unique doll! They made clothes from fabric scraps and tulle and had a blast giving their dolls fun accessories – sequin belts and headbands, purses, flowers, buttons, bracelets etc. We were cracking up at all the outfits!

Felted Doll 1

Felted Doll 2

Felted Doll 4

Felted Doll 5

Felted Doll 6

Felted Doll 7

Felted Doll 8

Felted Doll 9

Felted Doll 11

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